What To Expect During a Wart Removal

What to Expect during a Wart Removal

Warts can be embarrassing, annoying, and though there can be discomfort associated with the growths they are rarely dangerous, and most go away on their own. But that's not much relief if you are constantly reminded of it because of the way it looks and feels, and while some home remedies can prove beneficial, when you really need to get rid of it you should seek help from a professional. If you would like to learn more about wart removal strategies available locally you can contact your Oklahoma City, OK, dermatologist Dr. Elizabeth Gawey of Gawey Dermatology.

What Is a Wart 

Warts come in a few different shapes and sizes but are typically easily spotted, but if you are unsure about the nature of your skin growth then the first visit should be to your dermatologist.

They are caused by a version of the human papillomavirus (HPV), there are many types, and the one that causes common warts can be spread simply by skin to skin contact, from one body part to another, not just from person to person. They can take a while to go away without any treatment, so it's a good idea to seek help.

What You Can Expect 

Your doctor may recommend using salicylic acid to slowly remove the wart in thin layers, and it is a method that is usually painless in its application. There is a chance for your skin to have a reaction to it so even if you're shopping for it over the counter you should still consult with your doctor.

Another strategy used is that of freezing the wart with liquid nitrogen, which can feel like there's ice applied to your skin, although the feeling can be amplified depending on the location of the wart on your skin. Alternatively, laser treatment can also be used, an experience some have likened to a rubber band snapping, but without much, if any discomfort after the procedure.

If it's necessary to surgically remove the wart with a scalpel, often only when other methods have not proven successful, you will be locally anesthetized so may only experience some discomfort after the intervention.

Wart Removal in Oklahoma City, OK

If you need help with wart removal from your Oklahoma City, OK, skin care professional you can schedule an appointment with Dr. Gawey of Gawey Dermatology by dialing (405) 951-8711.

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Hours of Operation - Gawey Dermatology

A mask is currently required for office visits


8:30 AM - 4:00 PM


9:30 AM - 4:00 PM


8:30 AM - 4:00 PM


9:00 AM - 4:00 PM


9:00 AM - 12:00 PM





Note: Hours may vary with holidays and weather


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