Wart Removal

Wart Removal in Oklahoma City, OK

Warts are small skin growths that usually occur on the fingers or hands. It’s important that you can identify when a wart is bothering you and begin treatment immediately because warts are transmitted through touch. There are many different ways your dermatologist at Gawey Dermatology in Oklahoma City may recommend removing a wart that’s bothering you, so it’s important to talk to them as soon as possible to figure out which form of removal is right for you.

Wart Removal Procedure

First, your dermatologist will examine the wart to be sure that it’s a wart that is bothering you. Once they’ve confirmed that, they can help recommend forms of treatment to remove the wart and help you feel comfortable again. Warts can go away without treatment however it can take a year or two and may cause other warts to develop around that area. Your dermatologist will take the location, severity, and preferences into account when figuring out which form of treatment will work best for you.

Some common forms of removal include:

  • Salicylic Acid- Your dermatologist may recommend a medication that contains salicylic acid. This method will remove small layers of the wart one at a time until it is completely removed. This is usually most effective when it’s combined with freezing.
  • Freezing (Cryotherapy)- Your dermatologist will apply liquid nitrogen to the wart which causes a blister to form around and under the wart.
  • Minor Surgery- Your dermatologist may be able to cut off the affected tissue and remove the wart.

Wart treatment varies for each person, depending on the severity and location of the wart, and can help you feel comfortable in your own skin again.

If you’re affected by warts, be sure to contact your dermatologist to learn more about wart removal. Call Gawey Dermatology in Oklahoma City, OK, at (405) 951-8711 today!

Our Location

Hours of Operation - Gawey Dermatology

A mask is currently required for office visits


8:30 AM - 4:00 PM


9:30 AM - 4:00 PM


8:30 AM - 4:00 PM


9:00 AM - 4:00 PM


9:00 AM - 12:00 PM





Note: Hours may vary with holidays and weather


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  • "Jennifer was so warm and friendly. She seemed to genuinely care about my concerns. I really loved how sweet the staff was! Thank you for providing me with a wonderful first experience!"